Charlie Conerly, hit Gifford out of the backfield over the middle and Bednarik slammed into him 15 yards downfield, hitting him in the ribs. Gifford's head hit the ground and he immediately lost conciousness.
Chuck Bednarik then stands over a prone Frank Gifford, his right arm high in the air in celebration, a 1960 version of a fist pump. It is was a perfectly legal hit, even by today's far more stringent standards -- a blow to the ribs that was so hard that it knocked Gifford's head to the ground, causing a concussion.
What caused the biggest ruckus was the picture of Bednarik, the Mack Truck, giving the impression, particularly in New York, that he was celebrating the unconscious state of his rival's star player. Celebration. Yes, because Bednarik's teammate Chuck Weber had recovered the ball to clinch the game. Celebrating the injury? No way, says Bednarik.
"I was thinking 'this f---in game is over,'' Bednarik says. "It appears from the picture that I was gloating over him. I wasn't gloating over him. I had no idea he was there.''
This is probably my new favorite custom to date - it was by far the toughest one I've made! I scoured the internet to find as many reference photos as I could to get every detail as close as possible. Chuck's facemask was completely scratchbuilt from wire. I hope you enjoy seeing it as much as I enjoyed making it!
woooo this is mine. i had this made it is awesome amazing job
A picture says a 1000 words, Jeremy works say a book full. Such personality in such a pose to clearly tell the story of the sport! Lee Hillman
How do I get one of these?
You can email me at This one is one of a kind though and I will not be making another. I'd be happy to consider another project though.
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